Episode 424 – The Notepad++ Parasite Website

Josh and Kurt talk about a Notepad++ fake website. It’s possibly not illegal, but it’s certainly ethically wrong. We also end up discussing why it seems like all these weird and wild things keep happening. It’s probably due to the massive size of open source (and everything) now. Things have gotten gigantic and we didn’tContinue reading “Episode 424 – The Notepad++ Parasite Website”

Episode 416 – Thomas Depierre on open source in Europe

Josh and Kurt talk to Thomas Depierre about some of the European efforts to secure software. We touch on the CRA, MDA, FOSDEM, and more. As expected Thomas drops a huge amount of knowledge on what’s happening in open source. We close the show with a lot of ideas around how to move the needleContinue reading “Episode 416 – Thomas Depierre on open source in Europe”

Episode 394 – The lie anyone can contribute to open source

Josh and Kurt talk about filing bugs for software. There’s the old saying that anyone can file bugs and submit patches for open source, but the reality is most people can’t. Filing bugs for both closed and open source is nearly impossible in many instances. Even if you want to file a bug for anContinue reading “Episode 394 – The lie anyone can contribute to open source”

Rocket ships and radishes

There’s been something in the back of my brain that’s been bothering me about talks at the big conferences lately but I just couldn’t figure out how to talk about it. Until I listed to this episode of The Hacker Mind Podcast on Self Healing Operating Systems (it’s a great podcast, like and subscribe). TheContinue reading “Rocket ships and radishes”