Looks like you have a bad case of embedded libraries
A long time ago pretty much every application and library carried around its own copy of zlib. zlib is a library that does really fast and really good compression and decompression. If you’re storing data or transmitting data, it’s very likely this library is in use. It’s easy to use and is public domain. It’s no surprise it became the industry standard. Then one day, CVE-2002-0059 happened. CVE-2002-0059 was a security flaw that was easy to trigger and easy to exploit. It affected network listening applications that used zlib (which was most of them). Today if this came out, it would make heartbleed look like a joke. This was long long ago though, most people didn’t know anything about security (or care in many instances). If you look at the updates that came out because of this flaw, they were huge because literally hundreds of software applications and libraries had to be patched. This affected Windows and Linux, which was most everything back then. Today it would affect every device on the planet. This isn’t an exaggeration. Every. Single. Device. ...