Remember kids, if you're going to disclose, disclose responsibly!

If you pay any attention to the security universe, you’re aware that Tavis Ormandy is basically on fire right now with his security research. He found the Cloudflare data leak issue a few weeks back, and is currently going to town on LastPass. The LastPass crew seems to be dealing with this pretty well, I’m not seeing a lot of complaining, mostly just info and fixes which is the right way to do these things. ...

March 28, 2017

Inverse Law of CVEs

I’ve started a project to put the CVE data into Elasticsearch and see if there is anything clever we can learn about it. Ever if there isn’t anything overly clever, it’s fun to do. And I get to make pretty graphs, which everyone likes to look at. I stuck a few of my early results on Twitter because it seemed like a fun thing to do. One of the graphs I put up was comparing the 3 BSDs. The image is below. ...

March 23, 2017

Security, Consumer Reports, and Failure

Last week there was a story about Consumer Reports doing security testing of products. Consumer Reports to Begin Evaluating Products, Services for Privacy and Data Security As one can imagine there were a fair number of “they’ll get it wrong” sort of comments. They will get it wrong, at first, but that’s not a reason to pick on these guys. They’re quite brave to take this task on, it’s nearly impossible if you think about the state of security (especially consumer security). But this is how things start. There is no industry that has gone from broken to perfect in one step. It’s a long hard road when you have to deal with systemic problems in an industry. Consumer product security problems may be larger and more complex than any other industry has ever had to solve thanks to things such as globalization and how inexpensive tiny computers have become. ...

March 12, 2017

What the Oscars can teach us about security

If you watched the 89th Academy Awards you saw a pretty big mistake at the end of the show, the short story is Warren Beatty was handed the wrong envelope, he opened it, looked at it, then gave it to Faye Dunaway to read, which she did. The wrong people came on stage and started giving speeches, confused scrambling happened, and the correct winner was brought on stage. No doubt this will be talked about for many years to come as one of the most interesting and exciting events in the history of the awards ceremony. ...

March 2, 2017

SHA-1 is dead, long live SHA-1!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you heard that some researchers managed to create a SHA-1 collision. The short story as to why this matters is the whole purpose of a hashing algorithm is to make it impossible to generate collisions on purpose. Unfortunately though impossible things are usually also impossible so in reality we just make sure it’s really really hard to generate a collision. Thanks to Moore’s Law, hard things don’t stay hard forever. This is why MD5 had to go live on a farm out in the country, and we’re not allowed to see it anymore … because it’s having too much fun. SHA-1 will get to join it soon. ...

February 24, 2017

Reality Based Security

If I demand you jump off the roof and fly, and you say no, can I call you a defeatist? What would you think? To a reasonable person it would be insane to associate this attitude with being a defeatist. There are certain expectations that fall within the confines of reality. Expecting things to happen outside of those rules is reckless and can often be dangerous. Yet in the universe of cybersecurity we do this constantly. Anyone who doesn’t pretend we can fix problems is a defeatist and part of the problem. We just have to work harder and not claim something can’t be done, that’s how we’ll fix everything! After being called a defeatist during a discussion, I decided to write some things down. We spend a lot of time trying to fly off of roofs instead of looking for practical realistic solutions for our security problems. ...

February 12, 2017

Everything you know about security is wrong, stop protecting your empire!

Last week I kept running into old school people trying to justify why something that made sense in the past still makes sense today. Usually I ignore these sort of statements, but I feel like I’m seeing them often enough it’s time to write something up. We’re in the middle of disruptive change. That means that the way security used to work doesn’t work anymore (some people think it does) and in the near future, it won’t work at all. In some instances will actually be harmful if it’s not already. ...

January 30, 2017

Return on Risk Investment

I found myself in a discussion earlier this week that worked its way into return on investment topics. Of course nobody could really agree on what the return was which is sort of how these conversations often work out. It’s really hard to decide what the return on investment is for security features and products. It can be hard to even determine cost sometimes, which should be the easy number to figure out. ...

January 23, 2017

What does security and USB-C have in common?

I’ve decided to create yet another security analogy! You can’t tell, but I’m very excited to do this. One of my long standing complaints about security is there are basically no good analogies that make sense. We always try to talk about auto safety, or food safety, or maybe building security, how about pollution. There’s always some sort of existing real world scenario we try warp and twist in a way so we can tell a security story that makes sense. So far they’ve all failed. The analogy always starts out strong, then something happens that makes everything fall apart. I imagine a big part of this is because security is really new, but it’s also really hard to understand. It’s just not something humans are good at understanding. ...

January 16, 2017

Security Advice: Bad, Terrible, or Awful

As an industry, we suck at giving advice. I don’t mean this in some negative hateful way, it’s just the way it is. It’s human nature really. As a species most of us aren’t very good at giving or receiving advice. There’s always that vision of the wise old person dropping wisdom on the youth like it’s candy. But in reality they don’t like the young people much more than the young people like them. Ever notice the contempt the young and old have for each other? It’s just sort of how things work. If you find someone older and wiser than you who is willing to hand out good advice, stick close to that person. You won’t find many more like that. ...

January 9, 2017