Does the market care about security?
I had some discussions this week about security and the market. When I say the market I speak of what sort of products will people or won’t people buy based on some requirements centered around security. This usually ends up at a discussion about regulation. That got me wondering if there are any industries that are unregulated, have high safety requirements, and aren’t completely unsafe? After a little research, it seems SCUBA is the industry I was looking for. If you read the linked article (which you should, it’s great) the SCUBA story is an important lesson for the security industry. Our industry moves fast, too fast to regulate. Regulation would either hurt innovation or be useless due to too much change. Either way it would be very expensive. SCUBA is a place where the lack of regulation has allowed for dramatic innovation over the past 50 years. The article compares the personal aircraft industry which has substantial regulation and very little innovation (but the experimental aircraft industry is innovating due to lax regulation). ...