Is there a future view that isn't a security dystopia?

I recently finished reading the book Ghost Fleet, it’s not a bad read if you’re into what cyberwar could look like. It’s not great though, I won’t suggest it as the book of the summer. The biggest thing I keep thinking about is I’ve yet to really see any sort of book that takes place in the future, with a focus on technology, that isn’t a dystopian warning. Ghost Fleet is no different. ...

June 6, 2016

Regulation can fix security, except you can't regulate security

Every time I start a discussion about how we can solve some of our security problems it seems like the topics of professional organizations and regulation are where things end up. I think regulations and professional organizations can fix a lot of problems in an industry, I’m not sure they work for security. First let’s talk about why regulation usually works, then, why it won’t work for security. What is regulation? You may not know it, but you deal with regulated industries every day. The food we eat, the cars we drive, the buildings we use, the roads, our water, products we buy, phones, internet, banks; there are literally too many to list. The reasons for the regulation vary greatly, but at the end of the day it’s a nice way to use laws to protect society. It doesn’t always directly protect people, sometimes it protects the government, or maybe even a giant corporation, but the basic idea is because of the regulation society is a better place. There are plenty of corner cases but for now let’s just assume the goal is to make the world a better place. ...

May 29, 2016

Thoughts on our security bubble

Last week I spent time with a lot of normal people. Well, they were all computer folks, but not the sort one would find in a typical security circle. It really got me thinking about the bubble we live in as the security people. There are a lot of things we take for granted. I can reference Dunning Kruger and “turtles all the way down” and not have to explain myself. If I talk about a buffer overflow, or most any security term I never have to explain what’s going on. Even some of the more obscure technologies like container scanners and SCAP don’t need but a few words to explain what happens. It’s easy to talk to security people, at least it’s easy for security people to talk to other security people. ...

May 23, 2016

Security will fix itself, eventually

If you’re in the security industry these days things often don’t look very good. Everywhere you look it sometimes feels like everything is on fire. The joke is there are two types of companies, those that know they’ve been hacked and those that don’t. The world of devices looks even worse. They’re all running old software, most will never see updates, most of the people building the things don’t know or care about proper security, most people buying them don’t know this is a problem. ...

May 15, 2016

Security isn't a feature, it's a part of everything

Almost every industry goes through a time when new novel features are sold as some sort of add on or extra product. Remember needing a TCP stack? What about having to buy a sound card for your computer, or a CD drive? (Does anyone even know what a CD is anymore?) Did you know that web browsers used to cost money? Times were crazy. Let’s think about security now. There is a lot of security that’s some sort of add on, or maybe a separate product. Some of this is because it’s a clever idea, some things exist because people are willing to pay for it even if it should be included. No matter what we’re talking about, there is always a march toward commoditization. This is how Linux took over the universe, the operating system is a commodity now, it’s all about how you put things together using things like containers and devops and cloud. ...

May 8, 2016

Trusting, Trusting Trust

A long time ago Ken Thompson wrote something called Reflections on Trusting Trust. If you’ve never read this, go read it right now. It’s short and it’s something everyone needs to understand. The paper basically explains how Ken backdoored the compiler on a UNIX system in such a way it was extremely hard to get rid of the backdoors (yes, more than one). His conclusion was you can only trust code you wrote. Given the nature of the world today, that’s no longer an option. ...

May 1, 2016

Can we train our way out of security flaws?

I had a discussion with some people I work with smarter than myself about training developers. The usual training suggests came up, but at the end of the day, and this will no doubt enrage some of you, we can’t train developers to write secure code. It’s OK, my twitter handle is @joshbressers, go tell me how dumb I am, I can handle it. So anyhow, training. It’s a great idea in theory. It works in many instances, but security isn’t one of them. If you look at where training is really successful it’s for things like how to use a new device, or how to work with a bit of software. Those are really single purpose items, that’s the trick. If you have a device that really only does one thing, you can train a person how to use it; it has a finite scope. Writing software has no scope. To quote myself from this discussion: ...

April 24, 2016

Software end of life matters!

Anytime you work on a software project, the big events are always new releases. We love to get our update and see what sort of new and exciting things have been added. New versions are exciting, they’re the result of months or years of hard work. Who doesn’t love to talk about the new cool things going on? There’s a side of software that rarely gets talked about though, and honestly in the past it just wasn’t all that important or exciting. That’s the end of life. When is it time to kill off the old versions. Or sometimes even kill an entire project. When you do, what happens to the people using it? These are hard things to decide, there aren’t good answers usually, it’s just not a topic we’re good at yet. ...

April 17, 2016

What happened with Badlock?

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve heard of the Badlock security issue. It went public on April 12. Then things got weird. I wrote about this a bit in a previous post. I mentioned there that this better be good. If it’s not, people will get grumpy. People got grumpy. The thing is, this is a nice security flaw. Whoever found it is clearly bright, and if you look at the Samba patchset, it wasn’t trivial to fix. Hats off to those two groups. ...

April 12, 2016

Cybersecurity education isn't good, nobody is shocked

There was a news story published last week about the almost total lack of cybersecurity attention in undergraduate education. Most people in the security industry won’t be surprised by this. In the majority of cases when the security folks have to talk to developers, there is a clear lack of understanding about security. Every now and then I run across someone claiming that our training and education is going great. Sometimes I believe them for a few seconds, then I remember the state of things. Here’s the thing. While there is a lot of good training and education opportunities. The ratio between competent security people and developers is without doubt going down. Software engineering positions are growing at more than double the rate of other positions. By definition it’s significantly harder to educate a security person, the math says there’s a problem here (this disregards the fact that as an industry we do a horrible job of passing on knowledge). ...

April 10, 2016