So you’ve written some software. It’s full of open source dependencies. These days all software is full of open source, there’s no way around it at this point. I explain the background in my previous post.

Now that we have all this open source, how do we keep up with it? If you’re using a lot of open source in your code there could be one or more updated dependencies per day!

Step one is knowing what you have. There are a ton of ways to do this, but I’m going to bucket things into 3 areas.

  1. Do nothing
  2. Track things on your own
  3. Use an existing tool to track things

Do nothing

First up is don’t track anything. Ignore the problem.

At first glance you may think I’m joking, but this could be a potential solution. There are two ways to think about this one.

One is you literally ignore the dependencies. You never ever update them. Ever. This is a bad idea, there will be bugs, there will be security problem. They will affect you and someday you’ll regret this decision. I wouldn’t suggest this to anyone ever. If you do this, make sure you keep your résumé up to date.

The non bananas way you can do this is to let things auto update. I don’t mean ignore things altogether, I mean ignore knowing exactly what you have. If you’re building a container, make sure you update the container to the latest and greatest everything during build. For example if you have a Fedora container, you would run “dnf -y upgrade” on every build. That will pull in the latest and greatest packages from Fedora. If you pull in npm dependencies, you make sure the latest and greatest npm packages are installed every time you build. If you’re operating in a very devops style environment you’re rebuilding everything constantly (right …. RIGHT!) so why not take advantage of it.

Now, it should be noted that if you operate in this way, sometimes things will break. And by sometimes I mean quite often and by things I mean everything. Updated dependencies will eventually break existing functionality. The more dependencies you have, the more often things will break. It’s not a deal breaker, it’s just something you have to be prepared for.

Track things on your own

The next option is to track things on your own. This one is going to be pretty rough. I’ve been part of teams that have done this in the past. It’s a lot of heavy lifting. A lot. You have to keep track of everything you have, everything that gets added, how it’s used, what’s being updated. What has outstanding security problems. I would compare this to juggling 12 balls with one hand.

Now, even though it’s extremely difficult to try to track all this on your own, you do have the opportunity to track exactly what you need and how you need it. It’s an effort that will require a generous number of people.

I’m not going to spend any time explaining this because I think it’s a corner case now. It used to be fairly common mostly because options 1 and 3 either didn’t exist or weren’t practical. If this is something you have interest in, feel free to reach out, I’d be happy to convince you not to do it :)

Use an existing tool to track things

The last option is to use an existing tool. In the past few years there have been quite a few tools and companies to emerge with the purpose of tracking what open source you have in your products. Some have a focus on security vulnerabilities. Some focus on licensing. Some look for code that’s been copy and pasted. It’s really nice to see so many options available.

There are two really important things you should keep in mind if this is the option you’re interested in. Firstly, understand what your goal is. If your primary concern is keeping your dependencies up to date in a node.js project, make sure you look for that. Some tools do a better job with certain languages. Some tools inspect containers and not source code for example. Some focus on git repositories. Know what you want then go find it.

The second important thing to keep in mind is none of these tools are going to be 100% correct. You’ll probably see around 80% accuracy, maybe less depending what you’re doing. I often say “perfect and nothing are the same thing”. There is no perfect here so don’t expect it. There are going to be false positives, there will be false negatives. This isn’t a reason to write off tools. Account for this in your planning. Things will get missed, there will be some fire-drills. If you’re prepared to deal with it it won’t be a huge deal.

The return on investment will be magnitudes greater than trying to build your own perfect tracking system. It’s best to look at a lot of these things from a return on investment perspective. Perfect isn’t realistic. Nothing isn’t realistic. Find your minim viable security.

So now that you know what you’re shipping, how does this all work, what do you do next? We’ll cover that in the near future. Stay tuned.