The EU recently announced they are going to sponsor a security bug bounty program for 14 open source projects in 2019. There has been quite a bit of buzz about this program in all the usual places. The opinions are all over the place. Some people wonder why those 14, some wonder why not more. Some think it’s great. Some think it’s a horrible idea.

I don’t want to focus too much on the details as they are unimportant in the big picture. Which applications are part of the program don’t really matter. What matters is why are we here today and where should this go in the future.

There are plenty of people claiming that a security bug bounty isn’t fair, we need to be paying the project developers, the people who are going to fix the bugs found by the bug bounty. Why are we only paying the people who find the bugs? This is the correct question, but it’s not correct for the reasons most think it is.

There are a lot of details to unpack about all this and I don’t want to write a novel to explain all the nuance and complication around what’s going to happen. The TL;DR is basically this: The EU doesn’t have a way to pay the projects today, but they do have a way to pay security bug bounties.

Right now if you want to pay a particular project, who do you send the check to? In some cases like the Apache Software Foundation it’s quite clear. In other cases when it’s some person who publishes a library for fun, it’s not clear at all. It may even be illegal in some cases, sending money across borders can get complicated very quickly. I’ll give a shoutout to Tidelift here, I think they’re on the right path to make this happen. The honest truth is it’s really really hard to give money to the open source projects you use.

Now, the world of bug bounties has figured out a lot of these problems. They’ve gotten pretty good at paying people in various countries. Making sure the people getting paid are vetted in some way. And most importantly, they give an organization one place to send the check and one place to hold accountable. They’ve given us frameworks to specify who gets paid and for what. It’s quite nice really.  I wrote some musing about this a few years ago. I still mostly agree with my past self.

So what does this all really mean is the big question. The EU is doing the only thing they can do right now. They have money to throw at the problem, the only place they can throw it today is a bug bounty, so that’s what they did. I think it’s great. Step one is basically admitting you have a problem.

Where we go next is the real question. If nothing changes and bug bounties are the only way to spend money on open source, this will fizzle out as there isn’t going to be a massive return on investment. The projects are already overworked, they don’t need a bunch of new bugs to fix. We need a “next step” that will give the projects resources. Resources aren’t always money, sometimes it’s help, sometimes it’s gear, sometimes it’s pizza. An organization like the EU has money, they need help turning that into something useful to an open source project.

I don’t know exactly what the next few steps will look like, but I do know the final step is going to be some framework that lets different groups fund open source projects. Some will be governments, some will be companies, some might even be random people who want to give a project a few bucks.

Everyone is using open source everywhere. It’s woven into the fabric of our most critical infrastructures. It’s imperative we find a way to ensure it has the care and feeding it needs. Don’t bash this bug bounty program for being short sighted, praise it for being the first step of a long journey.

On that note, if you are part of any of these projects (or any project really) and you want help dealing with security reports, get in touch, I will help you with security patches, advisories, and vulnerability coordination. I know what sort of pain you’ll have to deal with, open source security can be even less rewarding than running an open source project :)