There seems to be a lot of questions going around lately about how to best give out simple security advice that is actionable. Goodness knows I’ve talked about this more than I can even remember at this point. The security industry is really bad at giving out actionable advice. It’s common someone will ask what’s good advice. They’ll get a few morsels, them someone will point out whatever corner case makes that advice bad and the conversation will spiral into nonsense where we find ourselves trying to defend someone mostly concerned about cat pictures from being kidnapped by a foreign nation. Eventually whoever asked for help quit listening a long time ago and decided to just keep their passwords written on a sticky note under the keyboard.

I’m pretty sure the fundamental flaw in all this thinking is we never differentiate between a targeted attack and general purpose security. They are not the same thing. They’re incredibly different in fact. General purpose advice can be reasonable, simple, and good. If you are a target you’ve already lost, most advice won’t help you.

General purpose security is just basic hygiene. These are the really easy concepts. Ideas like using a password manager, multi-factor-auth, install updates on your system. These are the activities anyone and everyone should be doing. One could argue these should be the default settings for any given computer or service (that’s a post for another day though). You don’t need to be a security genius to take these steps. You just have to restrain yourself from acting like a crazy person so whoever asked for help can actually get the advice they need.

Now if you’re the target of a security operation, things are really different. Targeted security is when you’re an active target, someone has picked you out for some reason and has a specific end goal in mind. This is the sort of attack where people will send you very specific phishing mails. They will probably try to brute force your password to a given account. They might call friends and family. Maybe even looking through your trash for clues they can use. If you are a target the goal isn’t to stop the attacker, it’s just to slow them down enough so you know you’re under attack. Once you know you’re under attack you can find a responsible adult to help.

These two things are very different. If you try to lump them together you end up with no solution, and at best a confused audience. In reality you probably end up with no audience because you sound like a crazy person.

Here is an example. Let’s say someone asks for some advice for people connecting to public wifi. Then you get a response about how your pen test used public wifi against an employee to steal their login credentials. That’s not a sane comparison. If you have a specific target in mind you can play off their behaviors and typical activities. You knew which sites they visit, you knew which coffee house they like. You knew which web browser and operating system they had. You had a level of knowledge that put the defender in a position they couldn’t defend against. General security doesn’t work like that.

The goal of general purpose advice is to be, well, general. This is like telling people to wash their hands. You don’t get into specifics about if they’ve been in contact with flesh eating bacteria and how they should be keeping some incredibly strong antiseptic on hand at all times just in case. Actual advice is to get some soap, pretty much any soap is fine, and wash your hands. That’s it. If you find yourself in the company of flesh eating bacteria in the future, go find someone who specializes in such a field. They’ll know what to actually do. Keeping special soap under your sink isn’t going to be one of the things they suggest.

There’s nothing wrong with telling people the coffee house wifi is probably OK for many things. Don’t do banking from it, make sure you have an updated browser and operating system. Stay away from dodgy websites. If things start to feel weird, stop using the wifi. The goal isn’t to eliminate all security threats, it’s just to make things a little bit better. Progress is made one step at a time, not in one massive leap. Massive leaps are how you trip and fall.

And if you are a specific target, you can only lose. You aren’t going to stop that attacker. Targeted attacks, given enough time, never fail.