On a pretty regular basis I see claims that the public CVE dataset is missing some large number of security issues. I’ve seen ranges from tens of thousands all the way up to millions. The purpose behind such statements is to show that the CVE data is woefully incomplete. Of course almost everyone making that claim has a van filled with security issues and candy they’re trying very hard to lure us into. It’s a pretty typical sales tactic as old as time itself. Whatever you have today isn’t good enough, but what I have, holy cow it’s better. It’s so much better you better come right over and see for yourself. After you pay me of course.
If you take away any single thing from this post, make it this: There are not millions of unfixed security flaws missing from the CVE data.
If you’re not familiar with how CVE works, I’ll give you a very short crash course. Essentially someone (anyone) requests a CVE ID, and if it’s a real security issue, a CVE gets assigned. It really is fundamentally this simple. Using some sort of advanced logic, the obvious question becomes: “why not get a CVE ID for all these untracked security flaws?”
That’s a great question! There are two possible reasons for this. The first is the organizations in question don’t want to share what they know. The second is all the things they claim are security issues really aren’t security issues at all. The second answer is of course correct, but let’s understand why.
The first answer assumes their security flaw are some sort of secret information only they know. This would also suggest the security issues in question are not acknowledged by the projects or vendors. If a project has any sort of security maturity, they are issuing CVE IDs (note: if you are a project who cares about security and don’t issue CVE IDs, talk to me, I will help you). This means that if the project knows about a security issue they will release a CVE ID for it. If they don’t know about the issue, it not only doesn’t have a CVE ID but is also unfixed. Not telling projects and vendors about security issues would be pretty weaselly. It also wouldn’t make anyone any safer. In fact it would make us all a lot less safe.
This brings us to the next stop in our complex logical journey. If you are a company that has the ability to scan and track security issues, and you find an unknown security issue in a project, you will want to make some noise about finding it. That means you follow some sort of security process that includes getting a CVE ID for the issue in question. After all, you want to make sure your security problem is known to the public and what better way then the largest public security dataset?
This brings us to our logical conclusion about all these untracked security issues is that they’re not really security problems. Some are just bugs. Some are nothing. Some are probably design decisions. Fundamentally if there is a security issue that matters, it will get a CVE ID. We should all be working together to make CVE better, not trying to claim our secret data is better than everyone else’s. There are no winners and loser when it comes to security issues. We all win or we all lose.
As most of these sort of fantastical claims tend to end, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.