A long time ago pretty much every application and library carried around its own copy of zlib. zlib is a library that does really fast and really good compression and decompression. If you’re storing data or transmitting data, it’s very likely this library is in use. It’s easy to use and is public domain. It’s no surprise it became the industry standard.

Then one day, CVE-2002-0059 happened. CVE-2002-0059 was a security flaw that was easy to trigger and easy to exploit. It affected network listening applications that used zlib (which was most of them). Today if this came out, it would make heartbleed look like a joke. This was long long ago though, most people didn’t know anything about security (or care in many instances). If you look at the updates that came out because of this flaw, they were huge because literally hundreds of software applications and libraries had to be patched. This affected Windows and Linux, which was most everything back then. Today it would affect every device on the planet. This isn’t an exaggeration. Every. Single. Device.

A lot of people learned a valuable lesson from CVE-2002-0059. That lesson was to stop embedding copies of libraries in your applications. Use the libraries already available on the system. zlib is pretty standard now, you can find it most anywhere, there is basically no reason to carry around your own version of this library in your project anymore. Anyone who does this would be seen as a bit nuts. Except this is how containers work.

Containing Containers

If you pay attention at all, you know the future of most everything is moving back in the direction of applications shipping with all the bits they need to run. Linux containers have essentially a full linux distribution inside them (a very small one of course). Now there’s a good reason for needing containers today. A long time ago, things moved very slowly. It wouldn’t have been crazy to run the same operating system for ten years. There weren’t many updates to anything. Even security updates were pretty rare. You know that if you built an application on top of a certain version of Windows, Solaris, or Linux, it would be around for a long time. Those days are long gone. Things move very very quickly today.

I’m not foolish enough to tell anyone they shouldn’t be including embedded copies of things in their containers. This is basically how containers work. Besides everything is fast now, including the operating system. You can’t count on the level of stability that once existed. This is a good thing because it gives us the ability to create faster than ever before, container technology is how we solve the problem of a fast changing operating system.

The problem we have today is our tools aren’t quite ready to deal with a security nightmare like CVE-2002-0059. If we found a serious problem like this (we sort of did with CVE-2015-7547 which affected glibc) how long would it take you to update all your containers? How would you update them? How would you even know if the flaw affected you?

The answer is most people wouldn’t update their containers quickly, some wouldn’t update them ever. This sort of goes against the whole DevOps concept. The right way this should work is if some horrible flaw is found in a library you’re shipping, your CI/CD infrastructure just magically deals with it. You shouldn’t have to really know or care. Humans are slow and make a lot of mistakes. They’re also hard to predict. All of these traits go against DevOps. The less we have humans do, the better. This has to be the future of security updates. There’s no secret option C where we stop embedding libraries this time. We need tools that can deal with security updates in a totally automated manner. We’re getting there, but we have a long way to go.

If you’re using containers today, and you can’t rebuild everything with the push of a button, you’re not really using containers. You’re running a custom Linux distribution. Don’t roll your own crypto, don’t roll your own distro.

Do you roll your own distro? Tell me, @joshbressers on Twitter.