If you’ve ever written code, even a few lines of it, you know there is always some sort of tradeoff between doing it “right” and doing it “now”. This is basically the reality of any industry, there is always the right way, and then there’s the way it’s going to get done. If you’ve ever done any sort of home remodeling project you’re well aware of uncovering the sins of the past as soon as that wall gets opened up.


When you’re writing software there are some places you should never try to make this tradeoff though. In the industry we like to call some of these decisions “technical debt”. It’s not called that to be clever, it’s called that because like all debt, someday you have to pay it back, plus interest. Sometimes those loans come with huge interest rates. How many of us have seen entire projects that were thrown out because of the terrible design decisions made way back at the beginning? It’s sadly not uncommon.


Are there times we should never make a tradeoff between “right” and “now”? Yes, yes there are. The single most important is verify data correctness. Especially if you think it’s trusted input. Today’s trusted input is tomorrow’s SQL injection. Let’s use a few examples (these are actual examples I saw in the past with the names of the innocent changed).


Beware the SQL

Once Bob wrote some SQL to return all the names in one of the ‘Users’ table. It’s a simple enough query, the code looks something like this:

def get_clients():
table_name = “clients”
query = ‘SELECT * from Users_’ + table_name


That’s easy enough to understand, for every other ‘get_’ function, you change the table name variable. Someday in the future, they let the intern write some code, and he decides that would be way easier if the table_name variable was passed to the function, and you set it from the URL. Now you have a SQL injection as any remote user can set the table_name variable to anything, including dangerous SQL. If you’re ever doing SQL queries, use prepared statements. Even if you don’t think you need it. It’ll save a lot of trouble later.


Images as far as the eye can see!

There is an application that has some internal icons, they’re used for the buttons that get displayed for users to click on, no big deal. The developer took an existing image library they found under the rug. It has some security flaws but who cares, all the images it displays are shipped by the app, they’re trusted, no big deal.


In a few years the intern (that guy again!) decides that it would be awesome to show images off the Internet. There just happens to be an image library already included in the application, which is a huge win. There’s even some example code that can be copied from where the buttons are drawn!


This one is pretty easy to see. You have a known bad library that used to parse only trusted input. Now it’s parsing untrusted input and is a pretty big problem. There isn’t an easy fix for this one unfortunately. It’s rarely wise to ship embedded libraries in your projects, but everyone does it. I won’t tell you to stop doing this, but I also understand this is one of the great problems we have to solve now that open source is everywhere.

These two examples have been grossly simplified, but this stuff has and will continue to happen. If you’re a software developer, be careful with your shortcuts. Always ask yourself the question “what happens if this suddenly starts parsing untrusted input?” It’ll save you a lot of trouble down the road. Never forget that the technical debt bill will show up someday. Make sure you can afford it.

Do you have a clever technical debt story? Tell me, @joshbressers on Twitter.