Unless you live in a cave (if you do, I’m pretty jealous) you’ve heard about all the political hacking going on. I don’t like to take sides, so let’s put aside who is right or wrong and use it as a lesson in thinking about how we have to operate in what is the new world.

In the past, there were ways to communicate that one could be relatively certain was secure and/or private. Long ago you didn’t write everything down. There was a lot of verbal communication. When things were written down there was generally only one copy. Making copies of things was hard. Recording communications was hard. Even viewing or hearing many of these conversations if you weren’t supposed to was hard. None of this is true anymore, it hasn’t been true for a long time, yet we still act like what we do is just fine.

The old way
Long ago it was really difficult to make copies of documents and recording a conversation was almost impossible. There are only a few well funded organizations who could actually do these things. If they got what they wanted they probably weren’t looking to share what they found in public.

There was also the huge advantage of most things being in locked building with locked rooms with locked filing cabinets. That meant that if someone did break it, it was probably pretty obvious something had happened. Even the best intruders will make mistakes.

The new way
Now let’s think about today. Most of our communications are captured in a way that makes it nearly impossible to destroy them. Our emails are captured on servers, it’s trivial to make an infinite number of copies. In most instances you will never know if someone made a copy of your data. Moving the data outside of an organization doesn’t need any doors, locks, or passports. It’s trivial to move data across the globe in seconds.

Keeping this in mind, if you’re doing something that contains sensitive data, you can’t reliably use an electronic medium to transport or store the conversations. emails can be stolen, phone calls can be recorded, text messages can be sniffed going through the air. There is almost no way to communicate that can’t be used against you at some later date if it falls into the wrong hands. Even more terrifyingly is that an attacker doesn’t have to come to you, thanks to the Internet, they can attack you from nearly any country on the planet.

What now?
Assuming we don’t have a nice way to communicate securely or safely, what do we do? Everyone has to move information around, information is the new currency. Is it possible to do it in a way that’s secure today? The short answer is no. There’s nothing we can do about this today. If you send an email, it’s quite possible it will leak someday. There are some ways to encrypt things, but it’s impossible for most people to do correctly. There are even some apps that can help with secure communications but not everyone uses them or knows about them.

We need people to understand that information is a currency. We understand the concept of money. Your information is similarly valuable. We trade currency for goods and services, it can also be stolen if not protected. Nobody would use a bank without doors. We store our information in places that are unsecured and we often give out information for free. It will be up to the youth to solve this one, most of us old folks will never understand this concept any more than our grandparents could understand the Internet.

Once we understand the value of our information, we can more easily justify keeping it secure during transport and storage. Armored trucks transport money for a reason. Nobody is going to trust a bicycle courier to move large sums of cash, the same will be true of data. Moving things securely isn’t easy nor is it free. There will have to be some sort of trade off that benefits both parties. Today it’s pretty one sided with us giving out our information for free with minimal benefit.

Where do we go now? Probably nowhere. While I think things are starting to turn, we’re not there yet. There will have to be a few more serious data leaks before the right questions start to get asked. But when they do, it will be imperative we understand that data is a currency. If we treat it as such it will become easier to understand what needs to be done.

Leave your comments on twitter: @joshbressers