If you’re a fan of the cryptocurrency projects, you’ve heard of something called Ethereum. It’s similar to bitcoin, but is a seperate coin. It’s been in the news lately due to an attack on the currency. Nobody is sure how this story will end at this point, there are a few possible options, none are good. This got me thinking about the future of security, there are some parallels when you compare traditional currency to crypto currency as well as where we see security heading (stick with me here).
The current way currency works is there is some central organization that is responsible for minting and controlling the currency, usually a country. There are banks, exchanges, loans, interest, physical money, and countless other ways the currency interacts with society. We will compare this to how IT security has mostly worked in the past. You had one large organization responsible for everything. If something went wrong, you could rely on the owner to take control and make things better. There are some instances where this isn’t true, but in general it holds.
Now if we look at cryptocurrency, there isn’t really a single group or person in charge. That’s the whole point though. The idea is to have nobody in charge so the currency can be used with some level of anonymity. You don’t have to rely on some sort of central organization to give the currency legitimacy, the system itself has legitimacy built in.
This reminds of the current state of shadow IT, BYOD, and cloud computing in general. The days of having one security group that was in charge of everything are long gone. Now we have distributed responsibility as well as distributed risk. It’s up to each group to understand how they must interact with each other. The risk is shifted from one central organization to nearly everyone involved.
Modified risk isn’t a bad thing, demonizing it isn’t the point of this discussion. The actual point is that we now exist in an environment that’s new to us. The history of humanity has taught us how to exist in an environment where there is a central authority. We now exist in a society that is seeing a shift from central authorities to individuals like never before. The problem with this is we don’t know how to deal with or talk about such an environment. When we try to figure out what’s happening with security we use analogies that don’t work. We talk about banks (just like this post) or cars or doors or windows or boats.
The reality though is we don’t really know what this means. We now exist in an environment where everything is becoming distributed, even security. The days of having a security group that rules with an iron fist are gone. If you have an iron fist, you end up with a massive shadow IT problem. In a world based on distributed responsibility the group with the iron fist becomes irrelevant.
The point of bringing up Ethereum wasn’t to pick on its problems. It’s to point out that we should watch them closely. Regardless of how this problem is solved there will be lessons learned. Success can be as good as a mistake if you understand what happened and why. The face of security is changing and a lot of us don’t understand what’s happening. There are no analogies that work here, we need new analogies and stories. Right now one of the easiest to understand stories around distributed security is cryptocurrency. Even if you’re not bitcoin rich, you should be paying attention, there are lessons to be learned.